Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Family Togetherness Time

My brothers are here!! My younger brother Alex moved here while I was gone, Zach and Caitlin are back, and Ben is here too. I am a happy girl to have my brothers here with me. It's so fun being able to hang out with my best friends all the time! Sunday night I made cookies and they all came over for games. We played PIT. It got a little bit out of control, and my throat was so sore from all the yelling the next day. Together again. I Love it!


Sarie said...

I love PIT. So glad you could hang out with your family!

Miss Candy Anderson said...

how fun that's so awesome that they are here!!

breymom said...

looks like a good reunion LOL Miss you guys living in Meridian I'm all alone in this dessert valley now :)

Unknown said...

I'm sad I missed that! I'm going to have a chocolate party! I don't know when But I am!!! So be ready!!! We will eat a ton of chocolate while we watch the movie Chocolat!!!!